Friday, August 21, 2009

People Always leave

But the problem is.. She is not PEOPLE!! she is my life..Haixx.. WHAT IM GONNA DO??!! haha
Oh well the the sun still goes on shining and the world still goes on turning so i guess there is only one thing left to say..LIFE GOES ON!
My baby girl left on monday for Indonesia..University Padjajaran and i do miss her a lot but i know that she is happy and persuing her dream and im so proud of her..I love you baby girl..

She is my best friend and she has never failed to be there for me..I miss her..
Thru the years people have come and gone but youre the one who has stuck with me through it all..Baby i miss you so much and all those precious times we shared..cant wait till you get back
You are the best..I love you


Julia C said...

awww.. nice to have a close sister like tt. its just part and parcel of life, when time goes by things changes~ God be with her in her new Uni life! :]

crystaline said...

thank you Julia..yupzz..God bless you..