Sunday, July 12, 2009

Your faithfulness is my Victory

Last night in the midst of doing my assignments i decided to take a short break and check out my facebook profile..while browsing I came across something that really kinda got to me..

Immediately tears started streaming down my face and i wanted to call mum just to talk to her about it, but deep inside my heart i knew Daddy God was just beside me waiting for me to tell Him about it.

I left my desk and sat on my bed (where I usually talk to Him) crying out to Him, asking him to strengthen me and help me thru what i was going thru..

My exact words were "Lord I feel so hurt right now. teach me what to to deal with this..I need your love right now so I can love the way you do"

Immediately i felt a warm sense of His peace come all over me and the fear, hurt and dissapointment seem to just fade away..

A gentle voice spoke on the inside of me saying "sweetheart read Isa 49:3-4"
I din know what that scripture said so immediately i opened up my bible and this is what it said;

He said to me, "You are my servant Israel,
in whom I will display my splendor."
But i said," I have laboured to no purpose;
I have spent my strength in vain and for nothing;
Yet what is due me is in the Lord's hand
and my reward is with God.
Wow how comforting is that? It is just awesome to know that we have a saviour who cares for us and loves us the way He does. Sometimes its unbelievable His way of drawing us closer to Him and showing us His Faithfullness..
Every little detail in our lives are accounted for because we are so special to Him. He never misses anything out. and He is the person who knows us best and who has the best in store for us.
Sometimes life can really get tiring and frustrating but if we just put our hope and trust in Him, He will see us thru victoriously and we will definately find joy in His presence.
No one can ever comfort us or tell us the things He does...The best person to talk to when we are down is Him.
Guys..I hope you are encouraged by this..we have the best things in life because we are in Him..So never forget how loved you are alright?

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